Baby Dreams

by Irene'
(Cape Town, South Africa)

I have had this dream a few times. Twice last week.

Different characters, but the same story. I dream I get given a baby. It is not mine, I did not give birth to it, but I am very happy to have it. In one instance, it was the baby's father who gave her to me. He also had another child.

In one dream I knew the person who gave it to me (this person has never had a child), the other dreams I have not known the person.

The age of the baby differs in different dreams - from tiny to around 18 months. The baby is always happy and smiling. The person giving me the baby is also always not unhappy about giving the baby away.

As this is a recurring dream and getting more frequent, I am curious as to what it is trying to tell me.

Thanks for your help.

Comments from

Thanks for the dream. Birth in dreams is symbolic of a new beginning of some sort, of a new way of thinking, a new personality trait, a new habit etc.

it is interesting that you are not actually giving birth however, so you are not actually giving birth to anything new, but being given a new opportunity by many different people in your different dreams. In one instance it is by somebody you know.
Has there been any new opportunity presented to you by this particular person in your life?

It is an interesting and telling act, for a parent to give their baby up and not be too concerned about it. Also for the baby to be separated from its parents and be happy and smiling, means it is nothing but a positive experience. This is definitely symbolic of some positive change that has occurred, a gift from others to you, perhaps pertaining to trustworthiness, that these people would trust you with their own child.

Only you can know what this dream symbolises. Thank you for sharing!

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Jun 23, 2018
by: Anonymous

Please help. I have been having some unsettling dreams and both have the figure 2 years. I would like to know what this may mean. In the first dream I dreamed that my brother is put into jail for 2 years and we go see him everyday. In the second dream I get home and find my brother beating my pit-bull to death with a pipe.3rd dream I get given a (African) baby girl HIV positive with the name Luna and she is 2 years old. In this dream my hybby and I (both white) accept this little girl and drive around frantically trying to get baby clothes and food for her. In the dream we were both very happy to have her. When the nurse gave me the baby and I asked where the mother is she said they don't know but she has already had 48 babies and gives them all up. We did not see the mom only the casualty ward the nurse and this little baby. Please help. (my brother passed away 3 months ago it was very traumatic for me as he was only 26 and unexpected) I get the feeling here is a message. My other brother the one in my dream being locked up is alive and not taking his death well at all.

Apr 24, 2018
Same dream
by: Naomi

Irene, i had the exact same dream, im also from south Africa. I dreamt that the baby's dad also gives me the baby and in the dream the dad tells me that the baby is 18 months, i also know the "dad" of the baby and he also has no kids yet.. im kinda freaking out

Sep 01, 2017
someone gave me there 4 year old son
by: Anonymous

Had a dream someone gave me there son to keep

Jul 27, 2016
What about the dead?
by: Anonymous

I dreamt that my husband's sister who passed away 3 years ago gave me a baby and said she thought I would be perfect for the baby. She was smiling and happy as was the baby and they were both wearing white. Does it still carry a similar meaning with the dead?

May 21, 2015
by: Anonymous

I've had a similar dream about babies being given to me. I found out that I was pregnant.

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