Clenching Jaw

by Rika

I have teeth falling out dreams a lot which I thought was pretty strange, but I guess not so rare as I would have thought.

I am usually in one of two situations. Sometimes my teeth are lose and for some reason I can't keep myself from pulling them out.

A lot of the time I can't stop myself from clenching my jaws tightly together, which causes me a lot of discomfort and pain as well as causing my teeth to crumble.

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Thank you for your contribution Rika!

Yes, teeth falling out dreams are probably the most common dream that people ask me about, and you have described two of the most common scenarios.

Crumbling teeth would have to be the most common among most people, but interestingly clenching the teeth or wobbling loose teeth that end up falling out are also very common.

Remember when you were a child and you had a loose tooth? And the impulse to wiggle it was so great you just couldn't leave it alone?

I do believe that this period of our lives when we lost our first set of teeth, was a very significant time of growth and has a deep psychological effect on us, thus why the feelings that were associated with this time are relived in our dreams.

Do take a look at some of the common reasons why you may be experiencing these teeth falling out dreams on our teeth dreams page.

I personally find these dreams fascinating! So thanks again for the great submission!

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Sep 13, 2021
Are we actualy clenching jaws in real life? NEW
by: Anonymous

Hey do you think our teeth are actually damaged when we experience these dreams? I know personally, I can feel it vividly, and im worried my jaw is doing this in real life. Does anyone know if this is just an allusion?

Mar 02, 2012
teeth falling out
by: Anonymous

It often means that you have said something hurtful to somebody that should not have been said. Thus your teeth fall out like the words you said can not be put back in your mouth neither can the teeth that fall out be put back in your mouth. The damage has been done and your dream it letting you know that.

Apr 30, 2011
Just a comment about your teeth falling out page....
by: Anonymous

Great interpretation of this teeth falling out dream. I think whoever wrote this has it spot on. Great job.

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