Dislocated Jaw/Rotting, Cracking, Migrating Teeth Dream

by Cassandra
(Washington DC)

Frequently, I have dreams where my jaw feels twisted and dislocated.

Specifically, my jaw feels like it is jutting out and shifted to the right.

This motion breaks my teeth and cracks them so that they fall in shards into my mouth as my "good teeth" chew at the bits.

Then my good teeth loosen and either fall out or migrate to another part of my mouth.

This was happening frequently for a while while I was stressed, but now it only happens every once in a while.

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Jul 11, 2018
by: Anonymous

I regulary dream of smth like this. In my dreams my jaw gets unhinged and I´m unable to talk and can just grunt or half scream. In these dreams I usually cry, panic and try to find someone to help me without success. To relocate the jaw i have to force my mouth open which results in the teeth splintering (because I clench it even more in the process) which is the most disgusting feeling I know. Feel you pal

Aug 22, 2017
Me too
by: Anonymous

I'm having the same type of dream !! Glad I'm not alone but I want to know what it means.

Aug 12, 2014
by: Sheina Leigh

Me too.. And it bothered me...

Nov 26, 2012
by: Anonymous

Same here. I am a grinder as well. Do you guys actually try to move your jaw? Or are we only dreaming that part? I dream of putting my fingers in my mouth to stop it.

Sep 12, 2012
by: Anonymous

I've had that happen in some dreams too. No clue what it means.

Sep 12, 2012
by: Anonymous

I've had that happen in some dreams too. No clue what it means.

Dec 04, 2011
same dream
by: Angelia

i have had the same kind of dreams. i"ts makes me feel better that i"m not the only one that is having dreams like this.

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