Extra Rooms I Can't Fill!
by Gina
(GR Texas)
I often have had dreams in which I discover rooms in my house which I nver knew were there. I have had two kitchens, two living rooms, huge bathrooms and bedrooms. It is always a huge shock to me that I never realised these rooms existed.
Furnishing the new rooms is always difficult. I can always come up with some things but never enough. I feel much stress in trying to furnish the new rooms and rearranging items. I feel a strong need to make them fit with the rest of the house. The extra kitchens upset and frustrate me the most because it doesn't make sense in my house to have two kitchens!
I have this type of dream often. The rooms are always a discovery and a surprise. The rooms usually have something appealing but are NEVER right and I cannot make them just right!