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To Record dreams is of vital importance to an accurate dream interpretation. How many of your night time escapades can you remember clearly? If you are anything like me, you will remember from 1-3 dreams every night, record all of them and begin the process of dream interpretation straight away. So, the first step in recording your dreams obviously, is to remember them! Remembering and writing your dreams down is not only a great exercise for recording your dreams but it is also a wonderful tool for exercising the imagination. And for those of us who so seldom call upon our imagination in daily life, this is a precious skill to practice. If you have difficulty remembering your dreams,click here to read some valuable insights on how to improve your dream recall.
Let’s assume now, you are remembering at least 1 dream a night.The next step of dream interpretation is to write the dream down as soon as you wake up. Recording your dream quickly when waking is of vital importance to this process. So keeping a pen and paper by your bed will enable you to record your dreams on the spot.
I have a bound book in which I record my dreams. I find this excellent to have them all in the one book and not on loose bits of paper for two reasons: 1. My dreams are in sequential order so dream interpretation is easy and any patterns that are emerging are easily identified.
Whatever way you choose to record dreams, to begin with you will probably only be recording fragmentary images, and vague memories. This is normal! The longer you are recording and interpreting dreams the more and more you will begin to recall. Over time, your ability to recall dreams will become stronger and ultimately your dream interpretation skills will improve.
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