Sharks in a hot tub

by Brianna Davies
(Minnesota, United States)

I had a dream that I was swimming in a hot tub with my brothers and we were having a good time until, for some reason a shark appeared in the hot tub with us.

I knew I had to get my brothers and I out as soon as possible. So I started with my youngest brother, then my middle brother, and then the oldest of the three.
They all got out safely, but I got eaten. I still do not know what my dream means and it scared me to death. I checked on all my brothers.

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Jul 14, 2015
by: Anonymous

I had a dream VERY similar to yours. In mine, lots of people who I DIDNT know where in a pool and then suddenly about 10 sharks appeared. The pool and setting seemed very bright, but had such a gloomy and scary feel.

May 14, 2013
by: jessica

overall. this dream says two main things about you: one, that you selflessly value the lives of your brothers over your own.
two, you're a natural born problem solver and a logical thinker. (starting with the youngest one first).

you may not be a hero in waking life but you were in this dream. experiencing your own death in a dream has to do with letting go of a part of yourself that you hang onto. look into that. look into what scenario in waking life had you "dying" for a cause.

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