Sleep Positions

We all know that body language in our waking lives is an important way to gauge how other people are feeling.

But did you know that your sleep positions can also give away clues as to who you really are?

According to recent studies 6 popular sleeping positions were seen to be linked to particular personality traits. And these particular traits were actually quite different from what was expected.

The 6 main positions studied were:

• Foetus
• Log
• Yearner
• Soldier
• Freefall
• Starfish


Those who tend to curl up in the foetal position to sleep are described as being tough on the outside but soft and sensitive on the inside. They can be shy on first meeting but warm up pretty quickly. More men than women sleep in this position and it is the most common position reported.


Those who enjoy lying on their sides with both arms down either side are described as easy going and sociable, liking to be part of the cool crowd. However they can be seen as gullible and trusting of everybody.


Those people who sleep on their sides with both arms stretched out in front of them are described as being distrustful and at times pessimistic.Being open natured these people tend to take a long time to come to any decision however stick firm to their decisions once they have arrived. Very unlikely to change their minds.


This position is described as lying on your back with both arms straight down either side of your body. People who choose this position are described as quiet and aloof keeping to themselves. They don’t like to be centre of attention and have a fuss made. They are perfectionists and set themselves and those around them to very high standards.
In addition this position is said to contribute to snoring and a bad night’s sleep.


This position is described as lying on your front with your hands around your pillow and head to one side. These people can be aggressive and extroverted but underneath they are rather thinned skinned and sensitive not being fond of criticism or intense situations.
According to studies this position aids digestion.


This position is described as lying on your back with both arms up around the pillow.People who choose this position are likeable and make great friends, always ready with an open ear and advice for those in need. Thy are not fond of being the centre of attention.
This position is also said to contribute to snoring and a bad night’s sleep.

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