The dream of flying higher than the Silver Snake

by Thebe
(South Africa, Midrand)

The Vision of Silver Snake

January 30 2011, early hours of the morning, the vision I saw, the sun was almost red the sound of the bird of the field was fading away, the sound of the water of the river was not far from me, the grass of the field was not dry and not green, the tree of the field was happy, It smelled like after rain.

My mother’s farm was near, the distance to my place of residence was about 8km.

Suddenly we were under attack by silver snakes of the grassland. I was elevated and flew above the grassland, those that were with me were bitten by the snakes, some snakes tried to fly as high as my feet, but I smashed their heads with my right hand, and continued to fly even higher, all the other snakes could no longer reach my level, except for one silver snakes which kept on flying a distance of about 5 metres below my feet, as I continue to fly to the direction of the water dam. It never gave up and continued to fly just below me, as I fly high level and it kept the 5 meter distance below me, suddenly we approached the water dam, I flew over but could no longer see the snake.
It came to my thought that the snake was swimming in the water as I flew over the water dam, I reach Tommy and his uncle, Tommy and his uncle were my family friends, but the voice said to me, these are your brothers, I said to them we need to go now, the is a silver snake that has been following me and those that were with me got bitten by snakes and died, we need to fly as the ground favors the snakes and we will not survive them.

We departed and ahead of us, I saw the bridge, in my mind we couldn’t fly above the bridge, we hard to pass by the bridge, I new the snake was hiding for me at the bridge, as I approach the bridge I saw the snake hiding and waiting to bit me, its head was shining silver and its teeth so strong as it bites me in the area between the finger after the middle finger and thumb finger on my left hand, with my right hand I held the area of the snake in between the tail and the body and with my teeth I bit the snake in the area between the head and the body and the snake felt great pain and flew away and I was awakened. I could feel in my lips that it tastes like snake

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Dec 19, 2011
Dream flying high than silver snake
by: Khutjo

this is a powerful dream, i puzzled at the fact that the snake could no longer fly the 5 meter distance above the water, it look likes that its source to fly was the ground or something on the soil....

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