up up and away

by Susie
(Toronto, Canada)

I had a dream shortly after a lovely, but brief and challenging relationship dissolved.

I said to someone, a man, that I wanted to show him how I could fly as I was excited that I could do this. He took me amicably to a large old wooden beamed, open industrial space, maybe 3-4 stories high with harnesses/ropes perhaps, but I said, no I can fly without any assistance. So off I went inside this space.

Lovely elated feeling. I wanted to show, be seen by a couple of people on the floor that I could fly so as I was passing over them I tried to get their attention by touching ,grabbing, pulling their heads up a bit but no one responded. I was completely invisible.

I have flown before but never indoors. I would flap my arms and somewhat push my body up to keep afloat.


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Mar 07, 2012
showing people i can fly.
by: Anonymous

I've been haveing dreams where I want to show people in my life how I have been able to fly all the time and they didn't know it but when I showed them it wasnt that impressive to them yet I felt like it was an amazing thing that only I could do. It's almost like I'm showing off.

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