Navel swarmed with bugs

by Anonymous

I'm writing about this bizarre and kind of "unpleasant" dream I had.

There were bugs in my navel! I hate bugs. All of them. Even butterflies are ugly to me when you look at them up close!

I don't remember the kinds of bugs they were, but they seemed like little pests - a dead fly-ish looking bug. There was also the shell of a bug that appeared to have flown off.

It is like they had been nesting in perfect tranquility in my navel. One of them gave me the strange impression of having a "conscience". Like he/she wasn't just working on instinct like the rest of them. He/she was staring right at me with this: "Surprise! I was here in your navel the whole time! How is it going up there?"

I felt intruded upon, and kind of disgusted, rather than frightened.

:) any idea of what that could mean?

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Jan 11, 2021
Bees s
by: Anonymous

I had a dream about a tiny bee hive in my belly button. So uncomfortable I was so scared to look. It just kept getting deeper with eggs. Does anyone understand this dream?

Jul 20, 2016
Belly button
by: Anonymous

I just had a dream that my belly button was rotten n it fell out and there was worms inside it. I am a bit shaken by this dream

Dec 15, 2013
Same Dream
by: Dev

lol I had the same dream last night, I tried to pick it out and it felt as though there was more deeper in, like my belly button was a burrowing hole... Yuck worst dream ever. Maybe it's a feeling of its control or somthing. Haha I don't know but it was rotten

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