Pregnant Dreams

Pregnant dreams, generally speaking, are to do with new projects or new beginnings in your life of some form or another.

Pregnancy in waking life involves a growth period, a time necessary for the development of a new life. Therefore it makes sense that dreaming of being pregnant will seldom symbolically represent an actually pregnancy, although it can read more about Premonition Dreams here.
Pregnant dreams are more a symbol of a necessary waiting period before the birth of something new, be it a new project, a new area of potential or a new personality development within yourself.

Perhaps you have given birth to some new ideas that need more time to be thought about and formulated before they can be acted upon?

Is there a new project on the horizon that you are waiting to take on?

Or perhaps there are some changes going on at an unconscious level within your own personality that will appear in your conscious actions at some point in the near future.

Pregnancy dreams are wonderful dreams that can be seen as reminders on developing your potential. Like a real life pregnancy these dreams are signs of change.

Giving birth in a dream is a follow on from this concept. You are now at the stage of bringing whatever needs to be born, into your conscious mind. This is a symbol of great change and a time when something new and alive has matured and is ready to be born, what this may be is entirely personal to you and your dream.

Take a close look at what you have given birth to, how you feel about it and what it means to you personally in your waking life when working out your dream interpretation.

Giving birth in waking life is a life-changing event and this can also be said about dreams of giving birth. Potentially they symbolize the birth of a new aspect of yourself. What life-changing event are you dreaming about?

If you are actually pregnant in waking life pregnancy dreams could represent your unconscious minds way of preparing you for what is to come. This could be a way to work through your developing anxieties, fears and hopes.
For instance if you dream of giving birth to a severely deformed baby, this is not a premonition, but rather a symbol of your anxiety about the health and development of your unborn child.

Have A Great Dream About Being Pregnant? Write About It Here!

Do you have a strange, wonderful or scary experience of being pregnant in your dreams? Share your dream or perhaps a tip for another dreamer on how to interpret pregnancy in their dreams!

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